Planning for the unexpected is critical to your business. Network outages, hardware failures, human error, malicious attacks and natural disasters can all damage your business, putting critical data at risk, interrupting services and causing significant loss of productivity and revenue.

All businesses should implement a comprehensive strategy to ensure continuity of email, messaging, transaction processing and web based application.

Dual Layer’s goal is to create and design a solution that provides a seamless, uninterrupted operation for our client partners whereby avoiding excessive downtime and reduced productivity for the business.

By implementing a business continuity strategy, your company will ensure that it can continue operations even in the face of unexpected events. Dual Layer offers a range of business continuity services, including data backup and recovery, cloud solutions, and disaster recovery planning to help your business prepare for the worst.

An effective business continuity plan will provide your company with the following benefits:

– protect its reputation and revenue by ensuring maximum uptime
– adhere to government mandated regulations and industry guidelines
– reduce threats to your IT infrastructure
– maintain a proactive approach to events that can impact your business


Here at Dual Layer we believe that it is imperative to assess each client’s individual need including current infrastructure, future growth plans and operational needs. We begin by asking such questions as:

  • What is your current disaster recovery plan?
  • How does your company address and manage issues that involve customer privacy, data security and regulatory compliance requirements?
  • What is your current budget and goals?

On completion of the assessment phase, we will propose one or two solutions that will be presented for approval. DLIT will then begin the implementation phases, ensuring that our client is kept up to speed at all times. All solutions are deployed, thoroughly tested and training is provided as required. Clients can also opt to have Dual managed this solution on an on going basis. To learn more about our business continuity services, please contact our Client Services Department. Whether or not you select Dual Layer, we encourage all companies to implement a business continuity plan. Its’ not a question of if a disaster will occur but when.

To learn more about our approach to business continuity services please contact us at 3700 9988 and our consultants will work with you on every step of planning

Cyber Security
Cloud Computing Services