
5 Most Dangerous Upcoming Hacking Methods to Worry About

People wonder how easy it has become for hackers to access the private information and credentials such as usernames and passwords. Many cases of attacks on secured data have been reported from different parts of the world business organizations and institutions crying over their lost data. There are things that you should be aware of to stay safe. Here are new techniques hackers can use to access your information. Knowing them beforehand can save you millions of dollars.

  1. Cookie Stealer

Cookies are small information about your browsing session which is stored in your browser when you access websites where login credentials are required. They are meant for good but they have become unnecessarily evil. Hackers can use successfully steal these data which mostly happens when you are connected to a network. Once they have succeeded in stealing your cookies, they can authenticate as you and login in your social accounts such as Facebook, Twitter just to mention a few. You should be cautious as there are also some malicious websites which will ask you to allow them to store or modify cookies in your browser.

  1. Fake Wireless Access Points

It is true that human beings like free things naturally. You will admit that once in a while you connect to a free public Wi-Fi normally provided by the resting places such as restaurants, cafes, and hotels. You might be lured by the free resource and you innocently enter your credentials not knowing that you are getting into a death trap. It is possible that hackers can now access your private information which should have been kept away from the prying eyes from such connections.

  1. Cross-Site Scripting

This has become a common method used by hackers to access the information which they can use to launch the attack. These criminals make use of the fact that some users cannot tell the difference between a malicious site and the true site. Users give out their private information unaware of the fact that they have been redirected to a malicious site. Apart from giving out the personal details, this technique can also be used by the cybercriminals to install malware programs in the computer which spies over the user’s data.

  1. Socially Engineered Malware

This is the most dangerous of all types of emerging threats to cybersecurity. Users have websites which they visit often and they are familiar with all its features. However, on a fine day when one might think that everything is, as usual, you will be surprised that the site asks to install a software which is unnecessarily evil onto your computer. One has to be keen on such matters, and not just permit such requests as the site might have been temporarily compromised by the hackers who will use the yet to be installed software to disable your defense system and let them do whatever they want.

  1. Using Bait Traps

Many people often run for free things. They do it in good faith not knowing that some manufacturers (developers in this case) do not mean well for them. People from across the globe use free software to complete some of their regular tasks but some of those software has other programs running in the background and stealing the user’s personal information. A malicious program may be masked behind the true program and it runs without user’s knowledge provided they accepted to install the free software given to them.

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